Month: September 2005

  • Even Gordon Thinks Superman is a Dick.

    I don’t know what’s funnier: Batman basically agreeing that Superman likes to play G-d. Or: Commissioner Gordon, of all people, criticizing someone for vigilantism. Hey Jim? That guy next to you in the funny mask? Your bestest buddy in the whole world? He’s a vigilante!

  • Super-Traitors!

    Wow. Superman and Batman are pro-abortion. And they’re branded as traitors for it, too! That, and believing in silly ideas like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those damn traitors. I bet they didn’t believe that there were WMDs in Iraq either! Source: World’s Finest #234.

  • Avengers Fund Raising.

    Sadly, Peitro’s idea of a bikini carwash failed to raise the needed funds. Note to Quicksilver: The Beast and Speedos are not a good combo. Seriously though, 2k a month to live in a Mansion? Sweet deal… even with inflation.

  • More Fun With The Wasp!

    Ripped from Tales of Suspense #59! My personal favorite line in there is Cap’s: “The trouble with girls is they all act like females!” Poor Cap. He’d much rather be “scaring the leopard” with Rick than waiting for a dumb ol’™ girl. [Posted with hblogger 2.0]

  • Double Take.

    Double-Take. I seriously had to check the panel three times to make sure what I thought was going on was not, in fact, what was happening. This is from a World’s Finest from the 80’s, BTW.

  • Iceman Gets “The Talk”

    You know, as awkward as it was when I hard to learn about puberty, at least I didn’t have to hear it from a Norse taker of the dead. I love this bit: “Even I once had a mortal woman partake of my nature.” Okay, I read the entire run of The Defenders, so I…

  • The Flesh! The FLESH!

    Okay, whoever had the bright idea of shoving The Blob into a speedo needs a good smacking. Coupled with the no shoes look, you can’t help but think that he’s going into battle in his birthday suit. … Oh dear G-d, I just pictured “little Fred Dukes”. Maybe if I pour Drain-O in my ears..?

  • Okay, Read This One CAREFULLY.

    From Tales of Suspense #46: So Iron Man defeats the Crimson Dynamo by faking a tape of his boss ordering his death. Forgetting the rather interesting idea that ol’ Crimsy can’t tell his boss’s voice from Iron Man, let me share that real twist with you. Iron Man gets The Crimson Dynamo a job at…

  • Super Desecration!

    Every now and then, someone will start a discussion on CBR about what religion Superman is. I’m guessing not Christian. Why? World’s Finest 286, that’s why! He keeps his promise, too! He’s hurled it so fast it’s caught fire. So yeah, Superman: not a Christian.

  • Hawkeye’s Super Secret Origin.

    As many geeks know, Clint Barton started out as a bad guy. But do you know why this beloved carny went bad? Let’s peel back the curtain of time and look at Takes of Suspense # 57… This is why you should never be too critical of your partners, ladies and gents. Incidentally, this also…

  • Super Tease.

    All the way at the end of the run of World’s Finest, this was probably Superman’s 300th attempt on Batman’s life. At this point, I was kind of yelling “So do it already! You big tease!”

  • Let ’em Burn.

    Since the WTFness of today’s previous post has been disputed, I decided to give a second panel. Ladies and gentleman, the World’s Greatest Hero!

  • Gee, THIS is Fair.

    That’s right Batman, take the gun and shoot the invulnerable Kryptonian. That’ll be effective.

  • Whoopsy!

    Oooops. Really, with friends like Superman, who needs enemies?

  • “I Looked EVERYWHERE!”

    Okay, so let’s assume that the coffin is lined with lead. Ignoring the question of why he doesn’t NOTICE that a coffin is lead-lined, doesn’t he have super hearing? If he can hear Lois get shot around the world, he can certainly hear Batman thumping away, right? The only answer that works is that Kal-El’s…

  • Why a Bat Living Will Is Important!

    Seriously, isn’t Kal El just the best friend ever?

  • We’ve Got a Theme This Week!

    This week’s theme is Superman-Batman: Friends 4 Evah.

  • Dissasembled: Foreshadowed.

    Flashback to the 90s, kids. The Avengers have just finished up “The Crossing”, where we learn that Tony Stark is really evil and the Avengers go back in time to get Teen Tony Stark to save them all. If you missed this, I am so envious of you. It was followed by Onslaught, and then…

  • Guess His Powers!

    No, it’s not the ability to give you wings! Wow. The late 90s were a daaaark time for The Avengers.

  • Paging Doctor Wertham!

    I feel guilty doing such a long non-image post, so here’s a special bonus scan Cue Porno Music as we flash-back to Wayne Manor…

  • Oh Dear G-d.

    Seriously, did people ever talk like that?

  • “Taste of the Old Lighting Bolt”

    Day-um! He really does have the power of electricity in his pants. (If you do not get that, then you are a poor, non Harvey Birdman watching person, and we pity you).

  • Rick Jones: Ugly American.

    That’s right Rick! Because if they don’t speak English, they’re not civilized! The filthy savages… Check out Cap and Rick’s poses. Apparently, the way to scare of a leopard is to have your teen sidekick dry hump you. “Scaring the leopard”– a new euphemism from the fine folks at “What Were They Thinking”.

  • Seriously, Why Don’t They Make Comics Like This Anymore?

    Nothing, and I mean nothing, in the history of comics beats this panel for sheer WTF-ness.   Doom Patrol was the best book of the Silver Age, bar none. People thought Morrison’s run was good, but the original was crack-tastic. Even when guest-starring in other books, they take the sheer brilliant lunacy with them. Brave…