Evolve! And Put Some Clothes On!

From the Silver-Age Origin of Earth-2 Giganta…

“Yes! It worked!!! I have evolved this ape into a human being… and somehow given it clothing in the process!”


It was really weird how Wonder Woman suddenly became the adventures of Earth-2 Wonder Woman.

Not as weird as one of her arch-foes being an evolved gorilla with the body of a human, mind you. Usually DC’s evolved gorillas still look like gorillas.

Giganta is the gorilla my dreams.

Had to say it.

Odinson comics soon. Sorry it took so long. Please don’t be Thor at me.







16 responses to “Evolve! And Put Some Clothes On!”

  1. au Avatar

    clothing? maaan…. EARRINGS!!!!!!!!! where the f**k did they come from???

  2. km Avatar

    I do however like how they carefully explained the luxurious, straight-outta-the-beauty-shop curls by parting the ape’s top hair.

  3. Mark Phillips Avatar

    I’m still wondering why an evolved gorilla would be wearing a leopard print!

  4. Scott Haley Avatar
    Scott Haley

    What–you expect an evolved gorilla to have GOOD taste?

  5. Who, me? Avatar
    Who, me?

    That first panel is supposed to be of a gorilla??? It looks more like a woman from Bulgaria!!
    Thor? Heck, I can hardly walk. (See Typolad. You’re not the only one who can do bad puns.)

  6. Charles S. Avatar
    Charles S.

    God, I think the artist never saw a gorilla in his life…

  7. au Avatar

    Who, me?, you’ve never been to Bulgaria, have you?

  8. Shiai Avatar

    I like how Giganta also got Michael Jackson’s nose.

  9. MacQuarrie Avatar

    That’s not a gorilla, that’s an intermediate stage halfway between gorilla and supermodel.

  10. Dierna Avatar

    Gorilla? Lots to chase the danged thing down, unless they stole it from a zoo.

    Machine to change a gorilla into a human? $1 million

    Changing a gorilla into a human female that magically gains clothing, earings, lush curly hair, and make-up?? Priceless…

  11. Mark Phillips Avatar

    I just realized…The two chosen stages that were shown were changing from Rosie O’Donnell to Anna Nichole Smith!


  12. Anderson Avatar

    Who´s screaming that “arrrghhHH”?? The gorilla?

  13. Jenny Avatar

    I think it’s the sound the machine makes when activated.

  14. Name Avatar

    The ‘ARRGH’ came from Charlie Brown in the next room…after Lucy pulled the football back while CB was trying to kick it…for the umpteenth time.

  15. toonbat Avatar

    Damn, this is the best “before vs after” telemarketing commercial I’ve ever seen! Where can I buy one of those gizmos, professor?

  16. SteveAsat Avatar

    “Diabolical” is right! That madman’s gonna corner the market on Mamie Van Dorens and bring the IMF to its knees. All he needs is an unlimited supply of gorillas and…oh wait, I think I found a snag in his plan. Maybe he should have just built a cheese bell that converts sewer rats into yappy little purse dogs. Much higher profit margin there.

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