Category: Sexism

  • Tommy Troy’s All Grown Up

    Tommy Troy starts out as a Captain Marvel riff, a kid gifted by a mentor with strange powers. Eventually, they jump to him being an adult. A lawyer, no less. Complete with secretary. What? Surely you don’t expect him to pack for himself? And no, the “master” is not meant sarcastically.

  • Metal Men: Generations

    My daughter is doing a science project on “Scientific Inaccuracies In The Silver Age Metal Men Series” (gee, wonder who she takes after). I was explaining the dynamic to her, as she only knows them from Batman: The Brave & The Bold. “So they’re these intelligent, human-like robots that all feel emotion. Except they all…

  • Redeeming Green Lantern #53

    Redeeming Green Lantern #53

    While GL 53 gets jeers for giving us Hal Jordan: Insurance Adjuster, it also brings back one of my favorite characters – psycho Sue! For those who don’t recall, Sue was a reporter who thought Hal’s brother Jim was Green Lantern. If that sounds familiar, it’s because she was essentially the Silver Age Lois Lane…

  • Women: Threat or Menace?

    Oh no Doc, Don’t marry her! And just in case it’s not enough that she’s an evil mind-stealing robot lady… It’s that she’s ugly too. Remember kids, protect your friends from marrying pretty ladies. They’re really evil spiders! Out to steal your precious bodily juices!

  • Don’t Worry Though!

    The Metal Men Know that woman are more than eye candy! From the same page as our last post, we can see that they’re also… They’re also shrews: Servile play things who need validation from their masters: Lust objects: And, of course, insane, rage filled, murderous shrews: And again, that’s all from one page!

  • Joan and Jay’s Dynamic Shifts

    Because heaven for-fend they be portrayed as equals.

  • Devolution.

    In Flash Comics #24, Sheira dons the wings for the first time. Except not as Hawkgirl. Mind you, he still treats her like a “mere” girl… Cosplay is well and good, as long as she knows her place.

  • Doc Magnus: Femmebot Killer

    You can’t help but see what Platinum sees in him. “His every insult just makes me want him more.” sorry about yesterday

  • The Name

    In case you’re wondering, Tin’s girlfriend never gets a name. The comic has a mail-in contest, but they end up calling her Nameless, except Tin, who calls her Beautiful. Which is sweet, but says more about The Metal Men’s gender politics than any dozen panels I could post. Not that it’s gonna stop me…

  • Tin’s Disturbing Invention

    Long time fans of the Metal Men absolutely know where this post is going. For the uninitiated, in issue #13, we find a lonely Tin wandering the streets.

  • He’s Pining for the Fjords.

    Hal Really Did Die in Issue 46. Seriously. No fooling.

  • Doc’s Moment of Truth.

    How did I leave this out from the last batch?!

  • How Sexist a Title Was The Metal Men?

    So sexist, even their “Fact Pages” got in on the act. Do I really need to comment further?

  • Wonder Woman Recruits

    Wonder Woman meets Eta Candy (who she’s already met as Nurse Diana Prince) and decides to use her.

  • Hop Harrigain vs his Arch Enemy!


  • Stop The Metal Madness!!!

    I can’t get over how one issue of Metal Men can yield so many posts… Neptune sends a giant crab to attack the Metal Men. Yes, a giant crab.

  • I Bet You Thought The “Double Date” Thing Was a Joke.

    Yesterday Carol Ferris and Iris West revealed that they’d been sent detailed dossiers on their boyfriends, and knew their secret identities. Who sent this data? We’ll get to that… but first, what do these women do with that information?

  • More Sexism!

    Because it’s not an issue of Metal Men without at least two cracks at women per-page “Look at her, thinking she’s one of us!”

  • Re(tcon)cap


    Issue 11 of the Metal Men recaps issue 10 (where they alloy) but leaves something out.

  • Doc Needn’t Bother, Anyway

    Show of hands… who didn’t see (pardon the pun) this coming?

  • I’ve Been Waiting to Post This

    Evil robots capture the Metal Men… magnetically!

  • No, Not Really

    Hal’s not to blame. It’s mind control, you see.

  • Every Comic Is Someone’s First

    There’s an old saw in the comic book industry: “Every comic is someone’s first”. Personally, I feel comic books kind of lost track of this in the 90s. Now, we have recap pages in Marvel, and a bit more flow at DC.

  • A Birthday Present to Myself

    It’s my birthday, so I decided to let you guys do the work today. After the break, you’ll see an old Strange Tales story that is so full of gender subtext that it would be a shame to slice it up. So I won’t. Instead, I leave it in your capable hands.