Another Week Off

I’m sorry to do this to you guys, but I’m going to be offline for Pessach (Passover), and have been so busy with prep that I haven’t got anything stockpiled. Sigh. If I hadn’t lost all my GL, Justice league, and Batman pre-done work, you wouldn’t hve this problem.

Maybe Matt can run some reruns or something.

Hoping to get my act together soon.






3 responses to “Another Week Off”

  1. madwoman Avatar

    Happy Passover!

  2. sezaar Avatar

    I hope this is a correct wish as I copied it from another site:

    “I wish you and all yours a kosher and joyous Pesach, and may the Zeman Cheiruseinu bring you and all our people true freedom from all limitations and perplexities, material and spiritual, in order to serve G-d with unhampered joy and gladness of heart,

    And may the inspiration of Pesach be carried over and into every day of the year.”

  3. sezaar Avatar

    I hope this is a correct wish as I copied it from another site:rnrn”I wish you and all yours a kosher and joyous Pesach, and may the Zeman Cheiruseinu bring you and all our people true freedom from all limitations and perplexities, material and spiritual, in order to serve G-d with unhampered joy and gladness of heart,rnrnAnd may the inspiration of Pesach be carried over and into every day of the year.”

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