“Magnetically” is officially a meme according to tvtropes.
Good job guys.
“Magnetically” is officially a meme according to tvtropes.
Good job guys.
I’d like to thank the academy….
Explain memes, tvtropes, or “magnetically”?
I’m pretty sure TVTropes doesn’t count.
Oh, also, I hate the usage of meme to mean “dumbass Internet in-joke.” Both because it’s generalization in lieu of specificity, and because it tries to legitimize dumbass Internet in-jokes.
Meme Usage Hate: the latest internet meme.
Don’t make me hurt you.
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins! hehehe
my heart swells with pride… 🙂
Air Wave is mad with jealousy. “Why haven’t RADIO WAVES caught on? I can never get a break.”
‘magnetically’…i don’t get the ‘magnetically’
I, for one, welcome our magnetic overlords.
Seriously though…
If you dig through the archives fanboy, you’ll find a ton of comics where elaborate psuedoscience is explained away by “magnetism”. The X-Men tag is a good place for examples, as we see Magneto manipulate ice magnetically, or even hypnotize people with his “magnetic personality” (really). Martian Manhunter even has a one-off power of Martian magnetism.
There was about a month’s worth of posts. I should tag them one day.
Soon I’ll have an entire issue of green Lantern dealing with psuedo magnetism.
Also, once I re-do all my lost Metal Men work, you’ll see a TON of it.
awesome 😀 stuff like THAT is why i love this site
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