A Wizard Did it.

This page is already exposition heavy, but I love the last panel.

Because you know, it’s not like he has a magic ring that lets him do whatever he wants, and that we just saw make a mental radio last issue.

Also? Gotta love that “apparently”. What the heck, editor? Are you uncertain?

Sorry to keep y’all waiting







9 responses to “A Wizard Did it.”

  1. Naked Bunny with a Whip Avatar

    No need to apologize. Shirtless Tomar-Re. Rawr.

  2. madwoman Avatar

    His wings?  Really????  Those must be some strong bones.

  3. Naryldor Avatar

    Beware of Tomar’s terrible rage and his ruthless feather stuffed blows!!

    BTW, out of curiosity, do beaked creatures actually have “jaws”?

  4. Bryan L Avatar
    Bryan L

    It’s actually not that crazy. Large birds, like swans, have been known to batter people severely with their wings. Supposedly, they can break bones. There are cases where swans have killed humans. 

  5. Naryldor Avatar

    But surely not with their wings and not a single swan against an adult human? the bones of birds are hollow in the inside to make them lighter and more flexible, and thus improve their flying capabilities, although Nature has made them supremely strong, they simply can’t match the solid bones of a relatively large mammal like a human, I really don’t see how any bird, even the largest ones, could knock out a human (let alone kill him or her) by flaping its wings. A totally different matter would be a large bird (or a flock of them) using their beaks or talons (depending on the species).

  6. Bryan L Avatar
    Bryan L

    Actually, yes, they do attack with their wings and the bones, while hollow, are very strong. They withstand tremendous amounts of force during flight. A flute made from a swan bone lasted some 35,000 years. And they have a tremendous amount of muscle. The reason I said “supposedly” is that there is some debate about it. There are lots of people who claim that broken bones have happened, but documented instances seem to be scarce. It’s very true that they can beat the crap out of you, though. The deaths occurred when people drowned during a swan attack.

  7. Naryldor Avatar

    I dunno, I dare not say it’s impossible but I sure think it’s highly unlikely a swan can break a human bone with their wings, at least not a mayor bone; of course, a broken/badly sprained finger or something like that is possible.

    I totally buy the drowning by swan attack though, those fellows can be rough and dangerous when angry, the more if they are in their natural habitat and you are not. And count me in into the club of those who will never ever mess with a angry swan. Heck, I don’t even mess with my lovebirds when they’re pissed up 🙂

  8. Carl Fink Avatar
    Carl Fink

    Why did their wings vanish when Tomar switched to punching?

  9.  Avatar

    Apparently it’s not just Earth superheroes who feel the need to self-narrate.

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