Irish Gypsy

I confess, I did not know that there were Irish Gypsies until I read Wonder Woman #28 and then looked it up on Wiki.

Still, looking at this story I have to wonder:

Do Irish Gypsies actually dress in stereotypical Rom garb? And have Rom-esque names?








14 responses to “Irish Gypsy”

  1. typolad Avatar

    No, Irish Gypsies do not dress in the Rom garb. They’re not even ethnically related to the Rom, they just have similar lifestyles.

    Also, “Paddy Gypso”? What, he couldn’t come up with a more racist name?

    2006-11-27 11:43 am UTC

  2. typolad Avatar

    Paddy Gypso the Irish Gypsy. There’s a certain purity about that.

    2006-11-27 03:15 pm UTC

  3. typolad Avatar


    2006-11-27 02:25 pm UTC

  4. typolad Avatar

    Yep. Etta Candy’s steady boyfriend had the last name “Sweetgulper”.

    That’s not as good as her dad’s nickname though.

    Hard. Hard Candy.

    I’d love to read the story of how he got that nickname.

    2006-11-27 10:53 pm UTC

  5. typolad Avatar

    Yeah, Irish Travelers just dress like suburbanites, as gypsies are probably doing these days, too.

    But remember, they’re trying to impress a sorority of kinky singers that pal around with Wonder Woman. Simply being a nomadic tribe of thieves isn’t nearly exotic enough!

    2006-11-27 03:23 pm UTC

  6. typolad Avatar

    Dion Boru??? Is he like descended from Brian Boru, the last great king of Ireland?? And how come none of those Irish Gypsies have red hair?? They’re all blonds or brunettes. Paddy Gypso slightly resembles Goliath the Gargoyle in his human form. 😛

    2006-11-27 07:23 pm UTC

  7. typolad Avatar

    Wow, this has to be the most WTF I’ve ever seen on here thus far. The names are bad enough, and have already been covered, yeesh. Except Dion and Tana. Dion sounds french to me, and Tana is a generic fantasy name. But the clothes! Why has no one gone into detail on this??
    First up, Tana our gypsy girl is wearing a little girl 50s sun-dress with flounces and a scarf around her waist. Sandals on her feet, and a garland with weird huge beads on it. She has bracelets that must be cutting off her circulation since they look really tight. Oh, and hoop earrings.

    Then we have Paddy Gypso *shudders* who seems to be wearing circus tights, a codpiece, and lace up sandals from the dark ages.
    Lastly, we have the good guy, Dion Boru, who is wearing jean cutoffs, a button down, shortsleeved shirt, and Captain Jack Sparrow’s sash.
    The only thing that even looks accurate are the Romano-European sandals, and even the gypsies weren’t wearing those in the 20th century.

    I could also mention the horrendous perspectives. The rings in the first panel must only be three feet off the ground. The girl holding one of them was getting up from a kneeling position! Unless the fifties really thought girls were so weak that they could only do pull-ups with their knees on the ground…or this is some sort of weird low ring exercise I’ve never heard of.

    Then there’s the “action” going on between the three “Irish Gypsies” in the panels below…I would hope that I could draw someone kicking someone else better than that, and the gypsy guy pushing the other! That’s a good way to get a reflex bite out of your hand, I think.

    There’s the gypsy caravan that is wider than it is long, with one wheel that is smaller than all the others!

    Is Etta Candy really that short compared to the other girls? She looks like a little person now.

    PS, Goliath looked way hotter in his human form than Paddy Gypso ever will! 😀

    PPS, Sweetgulper??? *nightmares*

    2006-11-28 12:13 am UTC

  8. typolad Avatar

    There are undiscovered tribes in the Amazon who are more Irish than these guys.

    2006-11-28 02:16 am UTC

  9. typolad Avatar

    Are these Gypsies supposed to be in America? Because that just makes it weirder.

    2006-11-29 12:27 am UTC

  10. typolad Avatar

    What I love the most here is in the second panel:

    “Paddy Gypso… quarrels with Tama”

    Oy. Now a ‘quarrel’ amounts to physical overlording. And here I thought it was a good old-fashioned argument, with words in.

    Betcha anything that “You tiger cat! I’ll–” would have been followed by “have you, whether you like it or not!” (or some equivalent) if Paddy there hadn’t been so rudely interrupted.

    2007-01-16 11:47 pm UTC

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  12. SteveAsat Avatar

    “Dion Boru” is a simple gag name like “Juan Epstein”; “Paddy Gypso” treads a little closer to “Sambo Guinea”. Their wardrobe is straight out of a theater trunk. Funfact: gypsies emigrated from India, which is why they share Hinduism’s deep reverence for horses.

  13. sean Avatar

    I’ve known quite a lot of Irish Travellers,as I lived near a site in Ireland,and to be honest most of the girls were blondes or brunettes, or dark hair……Also many have light blue green eyes,which looks attractive

  14. Amy Avatar

    Actually yes, they do claim ties to the same roots that the more well-known gypsy groups do. As for their clothing, they probably dressed more like the people we meet on a daily basis than the fantasy version of “gypsy”, but it really would have been a personal choice whether to go traditional or to dress the way the people of the country they are living in do.

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