Category: What Were They Thinking
Because Science, That’s Why!
Have I mentioned how much I love the Silver Age’s idea of science? Want an explanation? Too bad! Instead you get this! Wha..huh… how does that even…
Redeeming Green Lantern #53
While GL 53 gets jeers for giving us Hal Jordan: Insurance Adjuster, it also brings back one of my favorite characters – psycho Sue! For those who don’t recall, Sue was a reporter who thought Hal’s brother Jim was Green Lantern. If that sounds familiar, it’s because she was essentially the Silver Age Lois Lane…
The Biggest Mis-Step in Green Lantern History
The Green Lantern Franchise has been around for a while. As such, they’ve been a ton of interesting diversions from the basic premise of “dude with a magic ring”. The first would be “badass testpilot with a magic ring”. which was keen, because it was a huge switch from the mild-mannered secret identity concept that…
Happy Holidays, All.
Tonight’s the 4th night of Chanukah (incidentally my birthday on the Hebrew calendar). I think there’s also some big Christian holiday this weekend. If only i could remember what it was… Seriously, happy holidays. Thank you all for reading and being patient. I don’t have as much as I’d like ready for the big restart…
See You Next Year
I think it’s safe to say there won’t be any new content on WWTT for the next two months. While I’ve had lots of time to read, between the baby (sick again), the house, work, and techcitement I just don’t have much time for editing. I’m going to try to take what I have and…
An Apology
It’s now been a little over two months since my last post here. The site metrics indicate that people are still checking in, and that makes me feel like even more of a heel. Life has been overwhelming. The elder child started a new school, the baby is now walking and even talking (“hi” and…
Soon. Very Soon.
Got some reading done. 31 raw GL images to edit and 62 JLAs. Hoping to find time to churn some out this weekend.
Another Non Comic WWTT: Talk About Inflation.
I pass this every day in the NY Port Authority and never noticed the mistake until a few days ago. For that price, there better be a lot more than just buffing. This week is not looking good. Deadlines loom and I have to be in Court on Monday for a property…
Non Comic Related WWTT
Found in the Kosher aisle of our local grocery… Gotta wonder who thought that was a good idea
Sorry About The Slow Week
My apologies to all my regulars for the lack of content. I see I’m still getting about five hundred hits a day, and that just makes me feel bad at “failing” you. Nothing is wrong, thank G-d. The house is standing, both our jobs are fine, and the kids are great (the boy is nine…
Nameless Knows Her Place
And Tin, it seems, knows how to keep the ladies in line..
Oh Edna, I Love Your Hair.
Nameless is feeling down (imagine that) so Platinum takes her to the salon. Kinda. I think she’d get more attention from Tin with a new accelerator, if you know what I mean. And if you do, clue me in.
Again With This?
Geeze. It hits me – just about all the Metal Men’s robot enemies seem to be motivated by having the hots for them or develop said hots for one of them. The Missile Men, the Space Amazon, the Living Buoy., the Robot from B.O.L.T.S., etc. Now we have not just the Black Widow Spider from…
This Does Not Seem Wise
“Hey Doc, there’s a tree in the road.” “Let’s drive into it and see what happens!” And thus did Doc Magnus invent Crash Test Dummies.
Women: Threat or Menace?
Oh no Doc, Don’t marry her! And just in case it’s not enough that she’s an evil mind-stealing robot lady… It’s that she’s ugly too. Remember kids, protect your friends from marrying pretty ladies. They’re really evil spiders! Out to steal your precious bodily juices!
Oh for Goodness Sake
You know how in early issues Doc was lamenting his failure in building Platinum? Well in issue 16, he changes his tune: “No kid, you weren’t a mistake – you were an accident” (and hey, WWTT turned six years old the other day!)
Don’t Worry Though!
The Metal Men Know that woman are more than eye candy! From the same page as our last post, we can see that they’re also… They’re also shrews: Servile play things who need validation from their masters: Lust objects: And, of course, insane, rage filled, murderous shrews: And again, that’s all from one page!
I See How it Is
When a Femmebot is attracted to a human male, it’s a bug.
Words Have Two Meanings.
This caption has such horrible potential. I almost don’t want to reveal what’s actually going on. Ok, fine.
Nameless Scares Me
This isn’t really a topic to joke about, but I’ve never let that stop me before. Nameless, when someone hurts you, that’s not a sign that they love you. Tell someone! Although, Lead seems to be wired that way as well…
Forget Alex DeWitte… …Nameless is the original Woman in a Refrigerator.
Even More Obvious.
So how do you stop an evil commie robot? Ah. With lust. Sorry Nameless, but you’re going to need to take one. For freedom
It’s Obvious.
What’s a better arch-foe than an evil robot? An evilCommunist robot. Although considering the source of the word “Robot”, that’s actually kind of apt.
Never make Fun Of The Red Undies.
I’m not sure Jim Lee should be messing with Superman. He seems… unstable. Wanted to spend next week on GL, due to the movie, but some of my files are zero size. Going to have to wait. More Metal Men next week