Should I Be concerned (Non Comic)

So, you know that game “got your nose”? You pretend to “steal” a child’s nose and not give it back?

Yesterday, my almost-8 year old puts her hand on me, yanks it away, and says: “Ha-Ha! Got your DNA!”

Took everything I had not to say “I know sweetie, and I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you.”






6 responses to “Should I Be concerned (Non Comic)”

  1. Carl Avatar

    Um, yeah, and giving her your DNA was probably a lot of fun. But you can’t tell her that joke for about another 10 years.

  2. typolad Avatar

    Carl, she doesn’t need to know the actual mechanics.

  3. madwoman Avatar

    Your daughter is funny! I don’t have kids, but taught school for several years, and was always surprised at how mature and comical young kids could be. Have a great holiday, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc.!

  4. Naryldor Avatar

    Kids nowadays seem to learn faster than we did about certain things don’t day, but then, I guess our parents thought the same about us!

    I certainly hadn’t the slightest idea of the existence of DNA when I was 8.

    Season’s Greetings to everybody, whatever you celebrate!

  5. Lord Morgue Avatar
    Lord Morgue

    Gen Z kids are so cute, like Robert Rodriguez’s kid Rebel in Planet Terror, that line “I’m gonna eat your brains and gain your know-ledge!” was just something he came out with playing one day, so Daddy put it in the script.

  6. Dominoed Daredoll Avatar
    Dominoed Daredoll

    Obviously, you are raising a science-origin supervillianess. Careful what she gets up to with her Science Kit! Might want to hide the fridge magnets too.

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